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Publications (* = group member)

  • Tiger, B.H.*, Burns, S.J., Dawson, R., Scroxton, N., Godfrey, L.R., Ranivoharimanana, L., Faina, P., McGee, D., 2023. Zonal Indian Ocean variability at the millennial scale recorded in a speleothem from Madagascar. Paleoceanography & Paleoceanography 38, e2023PA004626. https://doi. org/10.1029/2023PA004626 

  • Bush, M., Schiferi, J., Kingston, M., Akesson, C., Valencia, B., Rozas-Davila, A., Woods, A., Chen, C., Hatfield, R., Rodbell, D., Abbott, M., McGee, D., 2023. A neotropical perspective on the uniqueness of the Holocene among interglacials. Nature Communications 14, 7404.

  • Redmond, N.A., Hayes, C.T., Glasscock, S.K., Rohde, E., Anderson, R.F., McGee, D., 2023. Anomalous 234U/238U Isotopic Composition in Southern Ocean Sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

  • Mollica, N., Cohen, A., Horton, F., Oppo, D., Solow, A., McGee, D. Capturing equatorial Pacific variability with multivariate Sr-U coral thermometry. Paleoceanography & Paleoceanography 38(10), e2022PA004508.

  • Abell, J.T., Winckler, G., Pullen, A., Kinsley, C.*, Kapp, P., Middleton, J., Pavia, F., McGee, D., Ford, H., Raymo, M., 2023. Evaluating the drivers of Quaternary dust fluxes to the western North Pacific: East Asian dustiness and Northern Hemisphere gustiness. Paleoceanography & Paleoceanography 38(9), e2022PA004571.

  • Wolf, A., Ersek, V., Braun, T., French, A., McGee, D., Bernasconi, S., Skiba, V., Griffiths, M.L., Johnson, K.R., Fohlmeister, J., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Pausata, F.S.R., Tabor, C., Longman, J., Roberts, W.H.G., Chandan, D., Peltier, W.R., Salzmann, U., Limbert, D., Trinh, D.A., 2023. Deciphering local and regional hydroclimate resolves contradicting evidence on the Asian monsoon evolution. Nature Communications 14, 5697.

  • Patterson, E.W., Johnson, K.R., Griffiths, M.L., Kinsley, C.W.*, McGee, D., Du, X., Pico, T., Wolf, A., Ersek, V., Mortlock, R.A., Yamoah, K.A., Bui, T., Xuan, M.T., Đỗ-Trọng, Q., Tri, V.V., Tri, D., 2023. Glacial changes in sea level modulated millennial-scale variability of the Southeast Asian autumn monsoon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences120(27), e2219489120. 

  • Fendrock, M.*, Condron, A., McGee, D., 2023. Modeling the Production of Heinrich Layers with a Sediment-Enabled Iceberg Model. Paleoceanography & Paleoceanography 38, e2022PA004583. 

  • Wright, K., Johnson, K.R., Serrato Marks, G.*, McGee, D., Bhattacharya, T., Goldsmith, G.R., Tabor, C.R., Lacaille-Muzquiz, J.-L., Lum, G., Beramendi-Orosco, L., 2023. Dynamic and thermodynamic influences on precipitation in Northeast Mexico on orbital to millennial timescales. Nature Communications 14, 2279,

  • Stroup, J.S.*, Olson, K.J., Lowenstein, T.K., Jost, A.B., Mosher, H.M., Peaple, M.D., Feakins, S.J., Chen, C.Y.*, Lund, S.P., McGee, D., 2023. A > 200 ka U-Th based chronology from lacustrine evaporites, Searles Lake, CA. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, e2022GC010685. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022GC010685 

  • Pedone, V., Oviatt, C.G., McGee, D., 2023. Late Quaternary carbonate microbialite complex on the west shore of Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Journal of Quaternary Science 38 (3), 319-332. 

  • Scroxton, N.*, Burns, S.J., McGee, D., Godfrey, L.R., Ranivoharimanana, L., Faina, P., Tiger, B.H.*, 2023. Hydroclimate variability in the Madagascar and Southeast African summer monsoons at the Mid- to Late-Holocene transition. Quaternary Science Reviews 300, 107874.

  • Scroxton, N.*, Burns, S.J., McGee, D., Godfrey, L.R., Ranivoharimanana, L., Faina, P., Tiger, B.H.*, 2023. Tropical Indian Ocean basin hydroclimate at the Mid- to Late-Holocene transition and the double drying hypothesis. Quaternary Science Reviews 300, 107837.

  • Peaple, M.D., Bhattacharya, T., Lowenstein, T.K., McGee, D., Olson, K.J., Stroup, J.S.*, Tierney, J.E., Feakins, S.J., 2022. Biomarker and pollen evidence for Late Pleistocene pluvials in the Mojave Desert. Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology 37(10),

  • Wright, K.T., Johnson, K.R., Bhattacharya, T., Serrato Marks, G.*, McGee, D., Elsbury, D., Peings, Y., Lacaille-Muzquiz, J.-L., Lum, G., Beramendi-Orosco, L., Magnusdottir, G., 2022. Precipitation in Northeast Mexico primarily controlled by the relative warming of Atlantic SSTs. Geophysical Research Letters 49(22),

  • Fendrock, M.*, Condron, A., McGee, D., 2022. Modeling iceberg longevity and distribution during Heinrich Events. Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology 37(6),

  • Fendrock, M.*, Chen, C.Y.*, Olson, K., Lowenstein, T.L., McGee, D., 2022. A computer vision algorithm for interpreting lacustrine carbonate textures at Searles Valley, USA. Computers and Geosciences 166,

  • O’Mara, N.A., Skonieczny, C.*, McGee, D., Winckler, G., Malaizé, B., Bory, A.J.-M., Bradtmiller, L.I., Polissar, P.J., 2022. Past and future drivers of Northwest African climate and vegetation. Nature Communications 13,

  • Rodbell, D., Hatfield, R.G., Abbot, M., Chen, C.Y.*, Woods, A., Stoner, J.S., McGee, D., et al., 2022. A 700,000-year record of northern high latitude forcing of glaciation in the tropical Andes. Nature 607, 301-306, 

  • Medina, M., Perritano, S., DeCesare, M. Polanco-Martinez, J., Serrato Marks, G.*, McGee, D, 2022. Holocene hydroclimate in the Southeastern United States during abrupt climate events: evidence from new speleothem isotopic records. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37, e2021PA004346.

  • Kinsley*, C., Bradtmiller, L.I., McGee, D., Galgay, M., Stuut, J.-B., Tjallingii, R., Winckler, G., deMenocal, P.B., 2022. Orbital- and millennial-scale variability in northwest African dust emissions over the past 67,000 years. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37, e2020PA004137. 

  • Burns, S.J., McGee, D., Scroxton*, N., Kinsley*, C.W., Godfrey, L.R., Faina, P., Ranivoharimanana, L., 2021. Southern Hemisphere Controls on Pluvial Periods in southwest Madagascar over the past 117,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 276, 107317. 

  • Huth, T., Passey, B.H., Cole, J.E., Lachniet, M.S., McGee, D., Denniston, R.F., Truebe, S., Levin, N.E., 2021. A framework for triple oxygen isotopes in speleothem paleoclimatology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.11.002.

  • Faina, P., Burns, S.J., Godfrey, L.R., Crowley, B.E., Scroxton*, N., McGee, D., Sutherland, M.R., Ranivoharimanana, L., 2021. Comparing the paleoclimates of northwestern and southwestern Madagascar during the late Holocene: Implications for the role of climate in megafaunal extinction. Malagasy Nature 15, 108-127. 

  • Brovkin, V., et al., 2021. Past abrupt changes, tipping points and cascading impacts in coupled climate-ecological-social systems: Lessons for the future. Nature Geoscience 14, 550-558.

  • Serrato Marks*, G., Medina-Elizalde, M., Burns, S., Weldeab, S., Lases-Hernandez, F., Cazares, G., McGee, D., 2021. Evidence for reduced precipitation variability in the Yucatán Peninsula during the mid-Holocene. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36, e2021PA004219. 

  • Peaple, M., Tierney, J., Bhattacharya, T., Lowenstein, T.L., McGee, D., Feakins, S., 2021. Reconstructing vegetation during the last glacial period from Southern California using machine learning. Organic Geochemistry 156, 104222, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2021.104222.

  • Biller-Celander, N., Shakun, J., McGee, D., Wong, C.I., Reyes, A.V., Hardt*, B., Tal*, I., Ford, D., Lauriol, B., 2021. Increasing Pleistocene permafrost stability and carbon cycle conundrums inferred from Canadian speleothems. Science Advances 7, eabe5799.

  • Munroe, J., Kimble, K., Spötl, C., Serrato Marks*, G., McGee, D., Herron, D., 2021. Winter Wonderland Cave, Utah, USA: A natural laboratory for the study of cryogenic cave carbonate and thawing permafrost. Scientific Reports 11, 6430, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-85658-9.

  • Rowland, G.H., Robinson, L.F., Hendry, K.R., Ng, H.C., McGee, D., McManus, J.F., 2021. The spatial distribution of aeolian dust and terrigenous fluxes in the tropical Atlantic Ocean since the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(2), doi:10.1029/2020PA004148. 

  • Akam, S., Lyons, T.W., Coffin, R.B., McGee, D., Naehr, T.H., Bates, S.M., Clarkson, C., Reese, B.K., 2021. Carbon-sulfur signals of methane versus crude oil diagenetic decomposition and U-Th age relationships for authigenic carbonates from asphalt seeps, southern Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology 581, 120395. 

  • Yuan, T., Yu, H., Chin, M., Remer, L.A., McGee, D., Evan, A., 2020. Anthropogenic decline of African dust: Insights from the Holocene records and beyond. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (22), doi:10.1029/2020GL089711.

  • Woods, A., Rodbell, D.T., Abbott, M.B., Hatfield, R.G., Chen, C.Y.*, Lehmann, S.B., McGee, D., Weidhaas, N.C., Tapia, P.M., Valero-Garces, B.L., Bush, M.B., Stoner, J.S., 2020. Andean drought and glacial retreat tied to Greenland warming during the last glacial period. Nature Communications 11, 5135.

  • Chen*, C.Y., McGee, D., Woods, A., Pérez, L., Hatfield, R.G., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., Valero-Garcés, B.L., Lehmann, S.B., Stoner, J.S., Schwalb, A., Tal*, I., Seltzer, G.O., Tapia, P.M., Abbott, M.B., Rodbell, D.T., 2020. U-Th dating of lake sediments: Lessons from the 700 kyr sediment record of Lake Junín, Peru. Quaternary Science Reviews 244, 106422.

  • Pico, T., McGee, D., Russell, J., Mitrovica, J.X., 2020. Recent constraints on MIS 3 sea level support role of continental shelf exposure as a control on Indo-Pacific hydroclimate. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35(8),doi:10.1029/2020PA003998.

  • Hatfield, R.G., Stoner, J. S., Solada, K. E., Morey, A. E., Woods, A., Chen, C. Y.*, McGee, D., Abbott, M.B, and Rodbell, D. T., 2020. Paleomagnetic constraint of the Brunhes age sedimentary record from Lake Junín, Peru. Frontiers in Earth Science 8.

  • Costa, K.M., Hayes, C.M., Anderson, R.F., et al., 2020. 230Th normalization: New insights on an essential tool for quantifying sedimentary fluxes in the modern and Quaternary ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35(2), doi:10.1029/2019PA003820.

  • McGee, D., 2020. Glacial-interglacial precipitation changes. Annual Review of Marine Science 12, 525-557.

  • Bice, D., Lacroce, M., McGee, D., Montanari, A., 2019. Late Pleistocene tectonic tilting of the Frasassi anticline from offset stalagmites in the Grotta Grande del Vento (Marche, Italy). GSA Special Paper 542, doi: 10.1130/2019.2542(25).

  • Tissot*, F.L.H., Ibanez-Mejia, M., Boehnke, P., Dauphas, N., McGee, D., Grove, T.L., Harrison, T.M., 2019. 238U/235U measurement in single-zircon crystals: Implications for the Hadean environment, magmatic differentiation and geochronology. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34, 2035-2052.

  • Ward, B.M., Wong, C., Novello, V., McGee, D., Silva, L., Santos, R.V., Wang, X., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., 2019. Reconstruction of Holocene coupling between the South American Monsoon System and local moisture variability from speleothem δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr records. Quaternary Science Reviews 210, 51-63, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.02.019

  • Godfrey, L.R., Scroxton*, N., Crowley, B.E., Burns, S.J., Sutherland, M.R., Pérez, V.R., Faina, P., McGee, D., Ranivoharimanana, L., 2019. A new interpretation of Madagascar’s megafaunal decline: the “Subsistence Shift Hypothesis.” Journal of Human Evolution 130, 126-140.

  • Anderson, C.H., Murray, R.W., Dunlea, A.G., Giosan, L., Kinsley*, C.W., McGee, D., Tada, R., 2019. Eolian delivery to Ulleung Basin, Korea (Japan Sea) during development of the East Asian Monsoon through the last 12 Ma. Geological Magazine, 1-12, doi: 10.1017/S001675681900013X.

  • Scroxton*, N., Burns, S., McGee, D., Hardt*, B., Godfrey, L.R., Ranivoharimanana, L., Faina, P., 2019. Competing temperature and atmospheric circulation effects on southwest Madagascan rainfall during the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34, doi: 10.1029/2018PA003466.

  • Skonieczny*, C., McGee, D., Winckler, G., Bory, A.., Bradtmiller, L.I., Kinsley*, C.W., Polissar, P.J., De Pol-Holz, R., Rossignol, L., Malaizé, B., 2019. Monsoon-driven Saharan dust variability over the last 240,000 years. Science Advances 5, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav1887.

  • McGee, D., Moreno-Chamarro, E., Marshall, J., Galbraith, E.D., 2018. Western U.S. lake expansions during Heinrich stadials linked to Pacific Hadley circulation. Science Advances 4, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav0118.

  • McGee, D., 2018. Shifting summer rains (Perspective). Science 342, 518-520.

  • Ferreira, D., Marshall, J., Ito, T., McGee, D., 2018. Linking glacial-interglacial cycles to multiple equilibria of climate. Geophysical Research Letters 45, doi: 10.1029/2018GL077019.

  • Anderson, C.H., Murray, R.W, Dunlea, A.G., Giosan, L., Kinsley*, C.W, McGee, D., Tada, R., 2018.. Climatically driven changes in the supply of terrigenous sediment to the East China Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19, doi: 10.1029/2017GC007339.

  • Scroxton*, N., Burns, S.J., Dawson P.A., Rhodes, J.M., Brent*, K., McGee, D., Heijnis, H., Gadd, P., Hantoro, W.S., Gagan, M.K., 2018. Rapid measurement of strontium in speleothems using core-scanning micro x-ray fluorescence. Chemical Geology 487, 12-22.

  • Omta, A.W., Ferrari, R., McGee, D., 2018. An analytical framework for the impact of carbonate compensation on atmospheric CO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32, 720-735. 

  • McGee, D., Moreno-Chamarro, E., Green, B., Marshall, J., Galbraith, E., Bradtmiller, L., 2018. Hemispherically asymmetric trade wind changes as signatures of past ITCZ shifts. Quaternary Science Reviews 180, 214-228.  

  • McGee, D., deMenocal, P.B., 2017. Climatic changes and cultural responses during the African Humid Period recorded in multi-proxy data. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.529.

  • Rowland, G.H., Ng, H.C., Robinson, L.F., McManus, J.F., Mohamed, K.J., McGee, D., 2017. Investigating the use of 232Th/230Th as a dust proxy using co-located seawater and sediment samples from the low-latitude North Atlantic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 214, 143-156.

  • Scroxton*, N., Burns, S.J., McGee, D., Hardt*, B., Godfrey, L., Ranivoharimanana, L., Faina, P., 2017. Hemispherically in-phase precipitation variability over the last 1700 years in a Madagascar speleothem record. Quaternary Science Reviews164, 25-36.

  • Wortham, B.E., Wong, C.I., Silva, L.C.R., McGee, D., Montañez, I.P., Rasbury, E.T., Cooper, K.M., Sharp, W.D., Glessner, J.G., 2017. Assessing response of local moisture conditions in central Brazil to regional variability in monsoon intensity using speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 463, 310-322.

  • Hayes*, C.T., Rosen*, J., McGee, D., Boyle, E.A., 2017. Thorium distributions in high and low dust regions and the significance for iron supply. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31, doi:10.1002/2016GB005511.

  • Williams*, R.H., McGee, D., Ridley, D.A., Kinsley*, C.W., Hu, S., Fedorov, A., Tal*, I., Murray, R.,  deMenocal, P.B., 2016. Glacial to Holocene changes in trans-Atlantic Saharan dust transport and dust-climate feedbacks. Science Advances 2, doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600445.

  • Hayes*, C.T., McGee, D., Boyle, E.A., Mukhopadhyay, S., Maloof, A.C., 2016. Helium and thorium isotope constraints on African dust transport to the Bahamas over recent millennia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 457, 385-394.

  • Albani, S., Mahowald, N.M., Murphy, L.N., Raiswell, R., Moore, J.K., Anderson, R.F., McGee, D., Bradtmiller, L.I., Delmonte, B., Hesse, P.P., Mayewski, P.A., 2016. Paleodust variability since the Last Glacial Maximum and implications for iron inputs to the ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL067911.

  • Burns, S.J., Godfrey, L.R., Faina, P., McGee, D., Hardt*, B., Ranivoharimanana, L., Randrianasy, J., 2016. Rapid human-induced landscape transformation in Madagascar at the end of the first millennium CE. Quaternary Science Reviews134, 92-99.

  • Bradtmiller, L.I., McGee, D., Awalt, M., Evers, J., Yerxa, H., Kinsley*, C.W., deMenocal, P.B., 2016. Changes in biological productivity along the northwest African margin over the past 20,000 years. Paleoceanography 31, doi:10.1002/2015PA002862.

  • McGee, D., Winckler, G., Borunda, A., Serno, S., Anderson, R.F., Recasens, C., Bory, A., Gaiero, D.,  Jaccard, S.L., Kaplan, M., McManus, J.F., Revel, M., Sun, Y., 2016. Tracking eolian dust with helium and thorium: Impacts of grain size and provenance. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 175, 47-67.

  • Hayes*, C.T., Fitzsimmons, J.N., Boyle, E.A., McGee, D., Anderson, R.F., Weisend, R., Morton, P.L., 2015. Thorium isotopes tracing the iron cycle at the Hawaii Ocean Time-series station ALOHA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 169, 1-16.

  • Cross, M., McGee, D., Broecker, W.S., Quade, J., Shakun, J.D., Cheng, H., Lu, Y., Edwards, R.L., 2015. Great Basin hydrology, paleoclimate, and connections with the North Atlantic: A speleothem stable isotope and trace element record from Lehman Caves, NV. Quaternary Science Reviews 127, 186-198.

  • Steponaitis*, E., Andrews*, A., McGee, D., Quade, J., Broecker, W.S., Hsieh*, Y.-T., Shuman, B., Burns, S.J., Cheng, H., 2015. Mid-Holocene drying of the U.S. Great Basin recorded in Nevada speleothems. Quaternary Science Reviews 127, 174-185.

  • Albani, S., Mahowald, N.M., Winckler, G., Anderson, R.F., Bradtmiller, L.I., et al., 2015. 12,000 years of dust: The Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives. Climate of the Past 11, 869–903.

  • Donohoe, A., Marshall, J., Armour, K., Ferreira, D., McGee, D., 2014. The inter-annual variability of tropical precipitation and inter-hemispheric energy transport. Journal of Climate 27, 3377-3392.

  • McGee, D., Donohoe, A., Marshall, J., Ferreira, D., 2014. Changes in ITCZ location and cross-equatorial heat transport at the Last Glacial Maximum, Heinrich Stadial 1, and the Mid-Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 390, 69-79.

  • Serno, S., Winckler, G., Anderson, R.F., Hayes, C.T., McGee, D., Machalett, B., Ren, H., Straub, S.M.,  Gersonde, R., Haug, G.H., 2014. Eolian dust input to the Subarctic North Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 387, 252-263.

  • Marshall, J., Donohoe, A., Ferreira, D., McGee, D., 2014. The ocean’s role in setting the mean position of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. Climate Dynamics 42, 1967-1979.

  • Donohoe, A., Marshall, J., Ferriera, D., McGee, D., 2013. The relationship between ITCZ location and cross equatorial heat transport: From the seasonal cycle to the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Climate, 26, 3597-3618.

  • McGee, D., deMenocal, P.B., Winckler, G., Stuut, J.-B., Bradtmiller, L.I., 2013. The magnitude, timing and abruptness of changes in North African dust deposition over the last 20,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 371-372, 163-176.

  • Broecker, W.S., McGee, D., 2013. The d13C record for atmospheric CO2: What is it trying to tell us? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 368, 175-182.

  • McGee, D., Mukhopadhyay, S., 2013. Extraterrestrial He in sediments: From recorder of asteroid collisions to timekeeper of global environmental changes. In: P. Burnard (Ed.), The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, p. 155-176.

  • McGee, D., Quade, J., Edwards, R.L., Broecker, W.S., Cheng, H., Reiners, P.W., Evenson, N., 2012. Lacustrine cave carbonates: Novel archives of paleohydrologic change in the Bonneville Basin (Utah, USA). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 351-352, 182-194.

  • McGee, D., Marcantonio, F., McManus, J.F., Winckler, G., 2010. The response of excess 230Th and extraterrestrial 3He to sediment redistribution at the Blake Ridge, western North Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 299, 138-149.

  • McGee, D., Broecker, W.S., Winckler, G., 2010. Gustiness: the driver of glacial dustiness? Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2340-2350.

  • Broecker, W.S., McGee, D., Adams, K.D., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Oviatt, C.G., Quade, J., 2009. A Great Basin-wide dry episode during the first half of the Mystery Interval? Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 2557-2563. 

  • Marcantonio, F., Thomas, D.J., Woodward, S., McGee, D., Winckler, G., 2009. Extraterrestrial 3He in Paleocene sediments from Shatsky Rise: constraints on sedimentation rate variability. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287, 24-30.

  • Winckler, G., Anderson, R.F., Fleisher, M.Q., McGee, D., Mahowald, N., 2008. Covariant glacial-interglacial dust fluxes in the equatorial Pacific and Antarctica. Science 320, 93-96.

  • Siddall, M., Anderson, R.F., Winckler, G., Henderson, G.M., Bradtmiller, L.I., McGee, D., Franzese, A.,  Stocker, T.F., Müller, S.A., 2008. Modeling the particle flux effect on distribution of 230Th in the equatorial Pacific. Paleoceanography 23, doi:10.1029/2007PA001556.

  • McGee, D., Marcantonio, F., Lynch-Stieglitz, J., 2007. Deglacial changes in dust flux in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 257, 215-230.

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